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Reddin’s 3D Leadership model

Reddin’s 3D Leadership model combines three main goals of management - orientations on tasks or relations and effectiveness.

William James Reddin (British-born management behaviorist, theorist, writer, and consultant), basing on attitudes to relationships and tasks, introduced 2D model of leadership containing four basic leadership types

  1. separated - low relationship orientation & low task orientation.
  2. related - high relationship orientation & low task orientation,
  3. dedicated - low relationship orientation & high task orientation,
  4. integrated - high relationship orientation & high task orientation,
relationship oriented
related integrated
separated dedicated
low - task oriented - high

Adding third dimension - effectiveness he introduced appropriate

relationship orientation appropriate styles
+ developer executive
- bureaucrat benevolent autocrat
task orientation - +

and inappropriate

relationship orientation inappropriate styles
+ missionary compromiser
- deserter autocrat
task orientation - +


The following part contains short description of every basic leadership type.

separated basic types

deserter: less effective leadership style.

Essentially a hand-off or laisser-faire approach: avoidance of any involvement or intervention which would upset the status; assuming a neutral attitude toward what is going on during the day; looking the other way to avoid enforcing rules; keeping out of the way of both supervisors and subordinates; avoidance of change and planning. The activities undertaken (or initiated) by managers who use this approach tend to be defensive in nature. People who achieve high scores may be adverse to managerial tasks or may have begun to lose interest in such tasks. This does not necessarily mean they are bad managers; they just try to maintain the status quo and avoid “rocking the boat”.

bureaucratic: more effective leadership style

Legalistic and procedural approach: adherence to rules and procedures; acceptance of hierarchy of authority; preference of formal channels of communication. High scorers tend to be systematic. They function at their best in well structured situations where policies are clear, roles are well defined and criteria of performance are objective and universally applied. Because they insist on rational systems, these managers may be seen as autocratic, rigid or fussy. Because of their dependence on rules and procedures, they are hardly distinguished from autocratic managers.

related basic types

missionary: less effective leadership style.

Affective (supportive) approach. It emphasizes congeniality and positive climate in the work place. High scorers are sensitive to subordinates’ personal needs and concerns. They try to keep people giving the most they can. Supportive behavior represents the positive component of this style. It has, however, a defensive counterpart. They may avoid or smooth over conflict, feel uncomfortable enforcing controls and find difficulty denying requests or making candid appraisals.

developer: more effective leadership style

Objective counterpart of the missionary style. Objective in a sense that concern for people is expressed professionally: subordinates are allowed to participate in decision making and are given opportunities to express their views and to develop their potential. Their contribution is recognized and attention is given to their development. High scorers are likely to have optimistic beliefs about people wanting to work and produce. Their approach to subordinates is collegial: they like to share their knowledge and expertise with their subordinates and take pride in discovering and promoting talent.

dedicated basic types

autocratic: less effective leadership style.

Directive and controlling approach. Concern for production and output outweighs the concern for workers and their relationship. Managers who score high tend to be formal. They assign tasks to subordinates and watch implementation closely. Errors are not tolerated, and deviation from stated objectives or directives is forbidden. They make unilateral decisions and feel no need to explain or justify them. They minimize interaction with people, or limit communication to the essential demand of the task at hand. They believe in individual responsibility and consider group meetings a waste of time. They tend to be formal, straightforward and critical. For that reason, they are likely to be perceived as cold and arbitrary, particularly by subordinates who have strong need for support and reassurance.

benevolent autocratic: more effective leadership style

Communicative counterpart of the autocratic style. It is still directive and interventionist. High scorers are seen as task masters who devote themselves comfortably to the accomplishment of production objectives. They enjoy tackling operational problems and may have less patience dealing with problems of human relation. They keep in touch with subordinates, instructing them, answering their questions and helping them with operational problems. They structure daily work, set objectives give orders or delegate with firm accountability. They would not hesitate to discipline or reprimand, but do that fairly and without antagonizing their subordinates. They meet group needs but ignore one-to-one personal relationship.

integrated basic types

compromiser: less effective leadership style.

Express appreciation of both human relations orientation and task orientation. They however admit to difficulties in integrating them. Therefore they may vacillate between task requirements and demand for human relations. In order to alleviate immediate pressures, they may resort to compromise solutions or expediency. They may be sensitive to reality considerations which stand in the way, and willing to delay action for whatever reason, internal or external. Their realistic assessment of situations may explain why they do not use freely the approach they actually prefer, that is, the Executive approach.

executive: more effective leadership style.

This approach integrates task orientation and human relations orientation in response to realistic demand. It is best described as consultative, interactive, and problem solving approach. This approach is called for in managing operations which require exploration of alternative solutions, pooling different resources, and integrating opposing perspectives. They favor a team approach in problem solving, planning and decision making. They stimulate communication among subordinates, thus obtain collective ideas and suggestions. Managers who use this approach are usually perceived as good motivators who tend to deal openly with conflict and who try to obtain collective commitment.

Summary and conclusion

The below table and figure show the less effective & more effective leadership styles in each basic types.

less effective basic types more effective
deserter separated bureaucratic
missionary related developer
autocratic dedicated benevolent autocratic
compromiser integrated executive

First approach for measuring leadership style is answering appropriate questionnaire.Questions are to show attitude and orientation towards relationships, tasks and finally effectiveness.

Main source

my psychological indicators

  • management style (see above): benevolent autocratic
  • Myers-Briggs type indicator: ISTP